Wednesday, November 2, 2011 BKK in Oct 2011

Monsoon month, Bangkok swimming in pool!flood over farm and cities, peoples got into flood crisis eventually cause lacking of food , drinking water and homeless. Crocodiles also begin nervous then ran away and even snake swimming at front of imperial garden. Thai people simply and roughly packing belonging for escape, moving to tents shelther but their emotional shown stay calm still.

Perhaps they could get rid of the water and overcome the obstacles sooner. Blessing them all the best luck as they are nice and warm people, blessing you all stay strong and work together for rebuild and recovering from all the mess after that.

We sure will visit you again by your Smile invitation. Lets Smile Thailand, we will always beside you and keep smiling to face all the challange...

this year birthday

this year birthday on October, wish me stay healthy and cheerful. appreciated whatever have in my life those are friends , colleagues and family. special thanks to "special one" who always support and accompany me along my journey where had have toughness, delightful, sadness or anger felt courage and brave when facing those....thank you everyone who are remember me and spent time to wishing my birthday....